
Fill-Coat® #2 Cold-Applied Wax Casing Filler

Application Procedures

Fill-Coat #2 is shipped directly to the jobsite in 55 gallon drums and pumped (at temperatures above 55°F) by air driven mastic pump directly into the casing through one casing vent until it flows from the opposite vent. Fill-Coat #2 can be heated and pumped as a liquid if desired. A 10:1 ratio mastic pump with follower plate is available from Trenton on a rental basis.


55 gallon drums


Color Dark Brown
Specific Gravity at 60°F .80 – .90
Pour Point 80 – 100°F
Flash Point 300°F


  • Presents galvanic and atmospheric corrosion within casings
  • Displaces and prevents re-entry of water in casing
  • Satisfies DOT requirements for shorted casings
  • Carrier pipe can be removed
  • Inert, non-hazardous, and non-volatile
  • Pumpable at temperatures above 55°F without heating
  • Economical for small quantity requirements

Quantity Requirements

Pipe x Casing Size (in inches) Gallon/Foot
4 x 8 1.8
6 x 10 2.3
8 x 12 3.0
10 x 14 2.5
12 x 16 2.9
14 x 20 7.2
16 x 20 4.8
20 x 24 5.9
22 x 26 6.0
24 x 30 11.4
26 x 30 7.3
30 x 34 8.3
30 x 36 14.1
36 x 42 16.4

 Inquiry - Fill-Coat® #2 Cold-Applied Wax Casing Filler